| Category: General Rules |
| Division A General Rules | Div A General Rules.pdf |
| Category: Miramar |
| Gym1 | MiramarGym.1.jpg |
| Gym2 | MiramarGym2.jpg |
| Gym3 | MiramarGym3.jpg |
| Gym4 | MiramarGym4.jpg |
| Hourglass Gym Measurements | HourglassGymMeasurements.pdf |
| K1 Lunch Area Room Dimensions | MiramarK1LunchAreaDimensions.pdf |
| K1-Lunch Area Flooring | K1LunchAreaFlooring.jpg |
| Category: National |
| B Calculator and Event Matrix | B.CalEventsMatrix.24.pdf |
| B Calculator Class Descriptions | B.CalculatorClassDescriptions.24.pdf |
| B Chem Lab Equipment | B.ChemEquipment.24.pdf |
| B Eye Protection Guide | B.Eye Proctection Guide.24.pdf |
| C Calculator and Events Matrix | C.CalculatorEventMatrix.24.pdf |
| C Calculator Class Descriptions | C.CalculatorClassDescriptions.24.pdf |
| C Chemistry Lab Equipment | C.ChemEquipment.24.pdf |
| C Eye Protection Guide | C.EyeProtectionGuide.24.pdf |
| Category: Release |
| Div A Release_2025 | 2025SDSORelease_DivA.pdf |
| Div B Release_2025 | 2025SDSORelease_DivB.pdf |
| Div C Release_2025 | 2025SDSORelease_DivC.pdf |
| Category: Schedule |
| A_ Event Conflicts_9.12.24 | A_EventConflicts_9.12.24.pdf |
| A_ScheduleEvents_10.16.24 | 2025_AScheduleofEvents.Rev101624.pdf |
| B_Event Conflicts_9.12.24 | B_Event Conflicts_9.12.24.pdf |
| C_Event Conflicts_9.12.24 | C_EventConflicts_9.12.24.pdf |
| Category: USD |
| Hahn University Center Forum C pic 1 | ForumC.1.jpg |
| Hahn University Center Forum C pic 2 | ForumC.2.jpg |
| Hahn University Center Forum C pic 3 | ForumC.3.jpg |
| Hahn University Center Forums AB pic 1 | ForumABceiling.1.jpg |
| Learning Commons Town Sq 1 | LearningCommonsTownSquare.1.jpg |
| Learning Commons Town Sq 2 | LearningCommonsTownSquare.2.jpg |
| Learning Commons Town Sq 3 | LearningCommonsTownSquare.3.jpg |
| Learning Commons Town Sq 4 | LearningCommonsTownSquare.4.jpg |
| Learning Commons Town Sq 5 | LearningCommonsTownSquare.5.jpg |
| Learning Commons Town Sq 6 | LearningCommonsTownSquare.6.jpg |
| Category: Workshop |
| 2024 San Diego Workshop Schedule | 2024_Event Workshop Schedule.pdf |
| Astronomy_ReachStars_2024 | Astronomy (C) _ Reach for the Stars (B)_2024.pptx |
| Div A Workshop_2024 | DivApresentation_2024.pdf |
| Dynamic Planet Workshop_2024 | Dynamic Planet_2024.pptx |
| Fossils Workshop_2024 | Fossils_2024.pptx |
| Metric Mastery Workshop_2024 | MetricMasteryWorkshop_2024.pdf |
| Mission Possible Workshop_2024 | 2024_Mission Possible Presentation.pdf |