Event Supervisor and Regional Volunteer Signup
Thank you for your interest in supporting San Diego Regional Science Olympiad. Public, private, parochial and homeschools throughout San Diego and Imperial counties are invited to participate in San Diego Regional Tournament.
In order to accommodate such high level of interest in STEM within San Diego and Imperial counties, we are looking to former participants, engineers, college and graduate students, professors to join the Event Supervisor Team. Primary responsibilities of Event Supervisor are preparing and grading the written competition tests or supervising the testing of devices built by the students at home and brought to the competition.
Please consider joining the San Diego Science Olympiad Event Supervisor Team by completing Event Supervisor Form. Please be assured that your information will not be shared with others and your provided information will be used for the sole purpose of matching the right position with your expertise. Alternatively, email us at sdso-director@scilympiad.com and one of our team members will contact you.
Thank you for your consideration and support of the San Diego Regional Science Olympiad.