You can view all items listed for a particular event without signing in, but if you decide to sign up or cancel an item, you need to sign in by either logging in using your Scilympiad email or entering your email, first name and last name if you do not want to create an account.
Once signing in, you can click on Take this spot to sign up for the item or click on Cancel spot to cancel it. If the spot asks for volunteering, you can take only one spot per item. If the spot asks for donation or lending, you can take one or more spots by clicking on Add spot or Reduce a spot
You will receive a confirmation email for each action, signup or cancel. If you click multiple times on the same item, you may receive multiple emails.
The box changes color to gold to indicate your signed-up spot, red to indicate full (no more available spots).
If you sign up for someone else or use the same browser to sign up for multiple volunteers, you must clear the cache or close the browser between volunteers. Make sure you enter their emails and names, not yours. Volunteer items are attached to volunteer's email.
Note: During peak signup, the spots you see available may be taken by other volunteers while you're viewing. Please hit F5 to refresh the current availability before reserving the spot.