Division C
Grades 9-12
Date: Saturday, March 15, 2025
Location: University of San Diego
Regional competition will go on rain or shine. Come prepared
Division C Head Coach Action Items and Deadlines
Subject to the completion of all Head Coach Action Items listed below by the Submit Head Coach Certification deadline, Participant and Head Coach wristbands will be available for pick up at Head Coach Check-in.
Students will not be allowed to compete without wristbands. If a wristband is defective or damaged, the coach and student must bring the wristband to headquarters for validation and replacement before student is allowed to compete.
Action | Deadline |
Register and pay registration fees. Spot is not guaranteed until payment has been received and processed. | 12/13/24 |
Add students to the roster pool. Student Roster pool is universal within Scilympiad. If you have created a student roster from previous tournaments, the information will carry forward to future tournaments. Please do not delete students from the roster pool unless they're no longer part of your program. | 2/15/25 |
Assign students to team (required even if your school has only 1 team) | 2/18/25 |
Assign students to their events | 2/18/25 |
Verify Head Coach Roster at Head Coach Dashboard -> Registration -> Invite Coaches. additional head coaches if necessary. The system will send an invite link with the school ID embedded in the link to invitee to accept and complete Head Coach registration. Immediately after the system sending invite link, the principal will be notified via email asking for confirmation that the invitee is authorized to manage their teams. Student officers managing their Science Olympiad program are required to have at least one adult on campus the entire day. On-site adults can be staff members or school approved volunteers. The number of head coach wristbands will be based on the Head Coach roster as of deadline date of Verify Head Coach Roster. No additional wristbands will be issued onsite. |
2/20/25 |
Recruit and sign up volunteers to proctor Regional tournament. See School-Provided Volunteer Requirements section. | 2/20/25 |
Collect, if applicable upload, Assumption of Risk and Release of Liability Agreement from participants, parents, volunteers, proctors and guests attending tournament | 2/22/25 |
Complete Self-Scheduled Event Signups. Go to Head Coach Dashboard for specifics. | 2/25/25 |
Verify testing schedule (scheduled and self-schedule events) to ensure no scheduling conflicts | 2/25/25 |
Confirm Team Names. No school name under Team Name column. The system will automatically include school names in the Awards PowerPoint slides | 2/25/25 |
Complete and Upload Principal Certification (Team Roster). The number of participant wristbands will be based on the student count as of the deadline date of Complete and Upload Principal Certification (Team Roster). No additional wristbands will be issued onsite. No additional participant wristbands will be issued onsite, except for replacements. | 2/25/25 |
Submit Head Coach Certification. Do not submit Head Coach Certification until all actions are completed. Teams exempt from volunteer requirements, do not check: satisfied volunteer requirements and complied with school-provided volunteer conflict of interest. | 3/1/25 |
Self-Scheduled Event Signup
- Self-Scheduled Events: Air Trajectory C, Bungee Drop C, Electric Vehicle C, Helicopter C, Robot Tour C and Tower C
- Use the scheduled event rotations to map out possible self-schedule event testing time blocks to avoid scheduling conflicts for your teams.
- Sign up self-scheduled events once self-scheduled event signup opens (subject to registration fees paid -> team number assigned)
Event assignments and self-scheduled event signups will be used as attendance. If students/teams are not listed on the event attendance sheets, they will not be allowed to compete. Event supervisors will turn them away. Students have to compete within their scheduled time blocks.
Team Numbers Assigned. See Head Coach Dashboard Updated 1/7/25
Completing 2025 Assumption of Risk and Release of Liability Agreement (email sent to coaches dated 12/8/24)The 2025 San Diego Regional SO Assumption of Risk and Release of Liability Agreement is available online at Head Coach Dashboard -> Release Forms (under Compliance heading)
This form is intended for San Diego Regional SO participants, alternates, parents, volunteers, proctors and guests attending the San Diego Regional tournament (Division A 2/22/25 at San Diego Miramar College, Division B 2/22/25 at Miramar College and Division C 3/15/25 at USD). Signature of Parent/Guardian (if participant or attendee is under 18 years of age on date of signing) OR Signature of Participant or Attendee (if at or over 18 years of age on date of signing) is required.
Instructions for Head Coaches- Log in -> Head Coach Dashboard -> Release Forms
- Copy red link (NOT the browser URL) in its entirety and share that school specific link with parents/guardians/adult participants/proctors, etc.
- Include Signer instructions with the above-mentioned link
Signers must follow instructions as written below in order to execute the online release form
- Click on school specific link provided by the head coach (start here and do not deviate)
- The system will prompt to Create an account or log in. (DO NOT click on the “Log in” link on the top corner of the homepage)
- Once logged in, click “Add member” to start one form for each person attending or just one for yourself.
- Enter Name, Click Sign then click Submit Form
- The system will bring you back to “Add member” once you click on Submit Form. If applicable, add your minor child/minor attendees
- Confirm your submissions on the “Add a member” page
- If you don’t see the release page, click on the link provided by head coach and start the process again
- Instructions are included on the applicable webpages
- Signature of Parent/Guardian (if participant or attendee is under 18 years of age on date of signing) OR Signature of Participant or Attendee (if at or over 18 years of age on date of signing) is required.
- Each adult must complete their own release. For example, 2 parents are planning on attending. One parent can complete release for parent 1 and their minor child/attendee. Parent 2 follows steps above to complete for parent 2 only.
- No sharing of login account.
- Click on Resources tab-> Tournament Documents -> Category: Release
- Coach collects and upload to Release folder (Head Coach Dashboard -> Upload Documents -> Document Type “Releases”
Hint: Even for those unsure of attending, complete the release form so that you are not behind or miss the deadline. For your sanity, start now.
School-Provided Volunteer Requirements- Division C schools are required to provide one volunteer (adult or college student) per team for the entire day, except schools sending at least 5 teams. Schools sending at least 5 teams are required to provided 6 volunteers
- San Diego Regional defines adult is a person of at least 18 years of age
- School-provided volunteers must comply with school's volunteer rules and policies
- Exemption - schools new to Science Olympiad or schools with one team of 6 participants or less are exempted from providing volunteers
- Code of Ethics & General Rules apply to volunteers
- Lunch will be provided to volunteers, subject to meeting signup deadline
2 Ways to sign up – volunteers sign up on their own or coaches sign up for their volunteers:
Volunteers Signup Instructions- Click on 2025 Volunteer Opportunities
- Click on applicable Division Volunteer Opportunity box
- Click on the "Sign in" link above the volunteer spots. DO NOT click on Login link in the upper right corner of the homepage
- Enter Email, First Name, Last Name then hit Submit
- Select School Affiliation from the dropdown (if prompted)
- Click on the “Take this Spot” link of the preferred spot. Note, one spot per volunteer (email)
- Confirmation email will be sent upon signup or cancellation; therefore, email must be accurate
- To confirm a signed-up volunteer spot or to make a change, click on the "Sign in" link above the volunteer spot -> Enter Email, First Name, Last Name then hit Submit
- Collect volunteers’ contact information (Email, First Name and Last Name)
- Click on 2025 Volunteer Opportunities
- Click on applicable Division Volunteer Opportunity box
- Click on the "Sign in" link above the volunteer spots. DO NOT click on Login link in the upper right corner of the homepage
- Enter Email, First Name, Last Name then hit Submit
- Select School Affiliation from the dropdown (if prompted)
- Click on the “Take this Spot” link of the preferred spot. Note, one spot per volunteer (email)
- After completing one volunteer sign up, click the “switch volunteer” link to sign up for the second volunteer, repeat the process
- Please make sure to click the “switch volunteer” link for each sign up. Switch volunteer link will refresh the page for a new volunteer sign up
- Head Coach Dashboard -> Verification/Checklist -> Volunteer/Proctor
- Verify your volunteers have not signed up for more than half of the number of spots needed for an event. Keep below or at 50% volunteer signup spots in any event per school
- Volunteers did not sign up for events in which their child is competing.
- Event coach cannot sign up for events in which they coached
- Names listed without assignment indicate registered members associated themselves with your school but did not sign up to volunteer or previously signed up then cancelled
ScheduleDiv C Schedule of Events Rev 1/28/25
Div C Event Groupings/Conflicts Rev 9/12/24
Head Coach Check-InOn 3/15/25 starting at 6:45 AM in front of Manchester Hall Building
To pick up Head Coach and Participant wristbands. Wristbands will not be released unless head coach completes ALL the Head Coach Action Items by the Submit Head Coach Certification deadline
Participant Wristband Procedures- Students will not be allowed to compete without wristbands, make sure that you have the number of wristbands equal to the names on the Principal Certification (Team Roster).
- Wristbands are to be placed securely on the wrist of up to 15 competing team members that are on the uploaded Principal Certification (Team Roster). Make sure wristbands are tight enough so that it cannot be slipped off-but not too tight. It may be confiscated if it can be easily removed.
- If a wristband is defective or damaged, the coach and student must bring the wristband to headquarters for validation and replacement BEFORE they are allowed to compete.
- Event Supervisors will check student's wrists to see that students have their wristband in place before their event begins.
Students do not need wristbands to impound their devices and related materials.
Head Coach Wristband Procedures- The number of Head Coach wristbands issued equal to the names on the Head Coach Roster submitted by deadline.
- Wristbands are to be placed securely on the wrist of the principal-approved head coaches. Make sure wristbands are tight enough so that it cannot be slipped off-but not too tight.
- If a wristband is defective or damaged, head coach must bring the wristband to headquarters for validation and replacement.
- At least one onsite head coach must be an adult school-approved volunteer or a staff member. Student officers may be onsite head coaches; however, they must be accompanied by an adult school-approved volunteer or a staff member and be a designated as a head coach as well.
- Regional Team will discuss concerns/disputes only with head coaches wearing wristbands
- Head coaches wearing wristbands may pick up medals for their team members.
- Team trophies will be presented to coaches wearing Head Coach wristbands.
- Division A - Purple
- Division B - Green
- Division C - Blue
- Head Coach - Red
- School-Provided Volunteer (Proctor) - Yellow
In case of event-related dispute, these steps should be taken in the following order:
- Participant seeks clarifications from Event Supervisor to resolve issues/concerns. Make sure to discuss concerns with Event Supervisor only, who will be wearing an Event Supervisor badge.
- If dispute is not resolved, participant consults with head coach to file an appeal. Appeal must be filed online.
- Event-related dispute occurs between 1st and 3rd testing blocks, online appeal must be filed by 12:00 PM.
- Event-related dispute occurs between 4th and 6th testing blocks, online appeal must be filed by 4:35 PM.
- Appeal filed beyond stated deadlines will not be addressed.
- Team wishing to file an appeal must leave their device and related materials with the Event Supervisor. Once device has been removed from the competition area, the option to file an appeal is null.
- Team filing appeal must stay on campus until appeal has been resolved. If team leaves campus prior to resolution, then the appeal is considered closed and will be classified as resolved.
- To ensure consistency and to avoid disruptions, head coach is NOT to approach the Event Supervisor for clarifications or reconsiderations. Participant is encouraged to speak directly with the Event Supervisor while testing and before exiting the competition area.
- Head Coach will be notified of its ruling, depending on circumstances, by any of the following methods: online, email, text, phone call or in-person.
- The Appeal Committee will do its best to adjudicate as fairly as possible. The decision of the committee is final.
There are significant preparations that went into scheduling, capacity planning, resource distribution, financial investments, etc. All of them depend on accurate event assignments and self-scheduled event signups. Event supervisors have relied on the signups to map their event layout, material and equipment planning, staffing, etc. As a result, San Diego Regional will implement the following Team Composition Policy and Guidelines to make sure the tournaments are running smoothly as possible. Some of the rules are extracted from the National and State Science Olympiad.
- A maximum of 15 students per team can compete at a tournament
- A team may participate in any number of the events within its division
- Alternates may participate ONLY when one of the 15 regular team members is absent on the day of the competition
- Alternates may not fill in if there is a schedule conflict or if the schedule changes on the day of the competition
- Team composition may not be changed after check-in. Any emergency changes require the tournament director’s approval. For example, Student A on Team Star may not be moved to Team Sky without prior authorization from the tournament director
- With the exception of Codebusters B/C, student event assignments within the assigned team may be changed on tournament day; however, report changes to Regional HQ for scoring and record keeping purposes
- For Codebusters B/C, student event assignments within the assigned team may be changed on tournament day; however, the head coach must request Regional Director to unlock event assignment so that head coach can update their student event assignment PRIOR to their scheduled time block. Delay in coach making such a request will not be a basis for test time extension
- Event assignments and self-scheduled event signups are required. It is acceptable to sign up but not show up (no show) on the day of the tournament. You would rather sign up more than actually participate to ensure your teams are listed on the event attendance sheets
- Event assignments and self-scheduled event signups will be used as attendance. If teams are not listed on the event attendance sheets, event supervisors may turn them away which will cause a delay in their start time. Loss of test time will not be extended. Assign events and sign up self-scheduled to ensure your teams are on the attendance sheets to ensure smooth check-in
- Day of changes are subject to event logistics and availability and at the discretion of the tournament director
- Event assignments and self-scheduled event signups required. No walk-in
- Assigned Participants Arriving Late to Written Event Tests: students may take the event test; however, no time will be extended.
- Assigned Participants Arriving Late to Self-Scheduled Events: see Tournament Director immediately
- Multiple Teams from the Same School: participants sit with their partners but not near another team from the same school. Partners can talk quietly during testing but teams from the same school cannot talk to each other.
- SoCal State and Regionals do not release their prior years tests
- San Diego Regional does not require Certificate of Insurance from schools
Lever-operated sand loading mechanism removed. Participants will manually pour sand into the bucket.
Computer-based event test (using Scilympiad platform): Codebusters C- Remaining written events will be paper-based tests
- There are enough computers available for each student. Teams do not have to share a computer unless they choose to do so
- Students to use incognito mode while taking exams. Event supervisors will provide instructions on how to open a new incognito tab
- Regional officials will be available to reset passwords and provide system support
- Teams not scheduled for the current time block must not log in or take tests. They must not do so until instructed by the event supervisor. Penalties, including DQ will be imposed for such violation.
- Extended time will be given only if all members on a team cannot log in or experience technical issues. If a partner has access to the test, then no extra time will be given.
In addition to the Codebusters C Event Parameters listed in the Event Rules, the following apply to the San Diego Regional:
- Students may bring a small piece of paper (no more than 3" x 5") on which only the link to take the online test https://scilympiad.com/sdso/TakeTest/Signin and the credentials (username and password for scilympiad.com site) are written or typed
- If there are security concerns on having these credentials written down, then students can memorize these credentials.
- The piece of paper on which credentials are should not have anything else (even squiggles), else they will not be allowed, and the student may not be able to login to take the test.
- If there is evidence that something was erased, those papers will not be allowed as well
- Event supervisors may check these credentials but will not copy them somewhere else
- Before the test, change the password to an easy one - - don't forget to test (relogin) with the new credentials
- Student to memorize this password (thus no need to write down the credentials anywhere)
- After the test, change the password to a complex one
- Click on "Student Login" Tab
- Click on "Take online tests using Login ID" under Competition Day heading. Ask your coach for your Login ID if you have yet received it.
- If this is your first time log in to Scilympiad, after entering your Login ID and as you move to the password box, the first name and last name boxes will automatically appear. Fill in your first and last name exactly as submitted by your coach on the student roster, enter your own created password then click Sign in. You only have to submit your name once. Thereafter, log in using your Login ID and your newly created password. If you forget your password, contact your head coach immediately. They will be able to reset your password. (Head Coach Dashboard -> Submit Student -> Team Roster). On tournament day, San Diego Regional officials will reset passwords as needed.
- Students previously competed in tournaments using Scilympiad platform may use the same Login IDs and passwords for all tournaments. Login IDs and passwords stay the same throughout the season. Students must login using Login IDs in order to access event tests
- Read event rules carefully to ensure participants have the required safety equipment, recommended equipment and items and allowed resources for their events. Depending on the items, participants may not be able to compete or be at a disadvantage if they do not have the required resources.
- Important documents in the Rules Manual for coaches and participants to read and follow: Div C Chemistry Lab Equipment List, Div C Eye Protection Guide, and Div C Calculator Class Descriptions
- Participants are encouraged to bring pencils to use for written event tests. Remember, penmanship counts. If event supervisors cannot read your responses, then they may not be able to score them.
- National General Rules: Actions and items (e.g., tools, notes, resources, supplies, electronics, etc.) are permitted, unless they are explicitly excluded in the rules, are unsafe, or violate the spirit of the problem.
- Air Trajectory C, Bungee Drop C, Electric Vehicle C, Helicopter C, Robot Tour C and Tower C
- Please DO NOT take pictures or record other teams, their devices and competition runs
- Once participants enter the competition area, they must not leave without event supervisor's approval
- Participants must not receive outside assistance, materials or communication until they are finished competing. AKA no sideline coaching
- Coaches, parents, spectators, etc. ARE NOT PERMITTED in the competition areas
- DO NOT take pictures or record participants once they enter the event testing rooms
- DO NOT take pictures or record event testing rooms
- DO NOT look into event testing rooms through the windows or any other openings
- DO NOT enter event testing rooms for any reason
- Air Trajectory C @ Hahn University Center Forums AB
- Bungee Drop C @
- Electric Vehicle C @
- Robot Tour C @
- Don't be late. You must impound devices and materials as written in the event rules within the stated timeframe.
- Impound may be done by one or more team members on the same team. Team members impounding devices and materials may not necessarily be participants for those impounded devices. Requirement is from the same team. Parents, coaches or any other adults may NOT impound on behalf of the participants.
- Participant wristbands are not required for impounding devices and materials.
- Participants may use rolling carts for the delivery of their devices and materials. After impounding is completed, rolling carts are to be stored at Team HQ.
- Impound lines are reserved for participants. No head coaches, event coaches, parents or guests.
- Active areas within short impound timeframe.... please kindly stay clear of impound lines, reserved for participants only.
Hahn University Center Forums AB approximate ceiling height: 15 feet 11 inches / 4.85 meters
Helicopter C @ Jenny Craig Pavilion- Practice Time 7:00 AM - 7:40 AM, subject to the discretion of the event supervisors. No practice during the day
- Device retrieval will be at the end of the day. Only participants or head coaches can claim their devices
- NOTE: No practice at University of San Diego. Please don't jeopardize our relationship with the university
- HVAC is off inside Jenny Craig Pavilion
The following Construction Parameters will apply to San Diego Regional Participants: Participants must be able to answer questions regarding the design, construction, and operation of the structure per the Building Policy found HERE
Team Headquarters and Suggested Packing List- Team Headquarters/Staging Area in the S11 Law Lot is first come, first serve
- Teams are welcome to start staging at approximately 6:00 AM
- At least 1 adult must be present at your Team HQ throughout the day
- Schools are responsible for cleaning up their Team HQ and surrounding areas at the end of day. All trash must be in the college-provided cash cans or placed next to them for ease of custodian crew
- Outdoor canopies must be weighted at all times. Weights must be fully attached to all the canopy poles and be at least 40 pounds, per pole. If sandbags are used, they must be tied to the poles. Two one-gallon milk jugs (per pole) filled with water may be used as long as they are fully attached to the poles. Use of hard objects for weights is not recommended as they can cause injuries if run into them. Do not use sharp objectives to secure canopies.
- Bring batteries, sunblock, tables, chairs, blankets, first aid kit, sanitizers, wipes, paper towels, table covers, trash bags, paper plates, snacks, water, etc.
- Arrange breakfast and lunch for participants, event coaches and team helpers.
- Pack school banner, notepads, pens, pencils, event campus map, team competition schedule, schedule of events, final Rules Clarifications, etc.
- Print, bring, distribute student labels/badges containing the following information: student name, school, team name, team number, their events, time and location
- Pack Event Required Safety Equipment and Allowed Resources
Scoring/Point System and Awards
National Scoring Guidelines
Participation (P) ranks are assigned points equal to the number of teams that competed in the tournament in each division.
No Show (NS) ranks are assigned one more point than Participation points.
Disqualification (DQ) ranks are assigned one more than No Show.
P=# of teams competed NS=P+1 DQ=P+2
Clarification of Participation Points (P): Teams making an honest attempt to participate but cannot be assigned a raw score due to reasons such as safety hazard, mechanical failure, wrong dimensions, etc. will be listed as a “P” for Participation
Clarification of No Shows (NS): Teams that do not show up or do not make an honest attempt to participate will be listed as a “NS.” This includes teams who may be present but display no preparation for the competition.
The team with the lowest overall points ranks 1st. Team with the second lowest overall points ranks 2nd, etc.
Awards- Gold, Blue Ribbon
- Silver, Red Ribbon
- Bronze, White Ribbon
- Bronze, Yellow Ribbon
- Bronze, Green Ribbon
- Bronze, Purple Ribbon
- Bronze, Orange Ribbon
- Bronze, Lt. Blue
- Bronze, Pink Ribbon
- Bronze, Maroon Ribbon
Participants unavailable to pick up their medals may ask their partners or head coaches to pick them up for them at the Awards Ceremony
Team Trophies: the top 10 schools in each division. The team with the lowest overall points ranks 1st. School's placement is based on the best performing team within that school. Team trophies will be presented to coaches wearing Head Coach wristbands.
Allocated number of Division B and C Teams Advancing to State: To be announced at the Awards CeremonyThe first-place finishers in Division B and Division C at the state tournament will represent Southern California at National Science Olympiad tournament