Sounds of Music Scoresheet 2020

Your Score:

Note: Scores for Sounds of Music are scaled to the highest Exam score, Song Score and IPS Sum. Your lone score may be different when calculated with other scores.
Assuming Best Exam Score: 50,     Max IPS Sum: 36,     Best Song Score: 9

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Log Score (Max 2pts each) List of materials Pitch data, pitch accuracy At least 5 data points Proper labeling Labeled picture Test/Exam score Pitch Testing Start note Pitch 1 Pitch 2 Pitch 3 Pitch 4 Pitch 5 Pitch 6 Pitch 7 Pitch 8 Bonus Pitch Bonus note Pitch value Song Test (max 3pts each) Rhythmic accuracy Pitch accuracy Played within 15 secs Penalties Competition violations No device Unsafe operation or DQ Construction violations
Leave the Pitch blank for Skip note. If keyboard is primary input device, hit Tab to move to the next entry, Shift+Tab to move back, spacebar to check or un-check an option.
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