Codebusters - Answer Showing in Student View

We created a test last month, proofread it, and everything looked ready to go. We just noticed that one of the questions in the student view is now showing the answer. It's a Hill Cipher questions where we've entered the cipher as:

12 34 56 78

Directly underneath this, students should see 8 blanks in four sets of two for inputting their answer:

_|_ _|_ _|_ _|_

Instead students are seeing:

12 34 56 78
12 34 56 78

It looks correct in the question editing view. How should we fix this?

Responses: 2

Responded by Peter Hung 10/22/20
I think you want to be using the fill in the blank or free response question type. In the cryptography question type, the system will show the encrypted line and the system matches the answer from the student with the decrypted line (or vice versa). if the students are seeing the answer on the test, it probably means the event sup enter the answer into both lines. 
Responded by Thuan Duong 10/22/20

Currently, Cryptography-type questions hide only A-Z, a-z and the Spanish N. It will display everything else. If you plan to use Cryptography, do not use anything other than A-Z, a-z and Ă‘. Use other question types such as Fill-in-blank or Short Answer.

Your Response (Anyone with an answer, workaround, suggestion is welcome to respond below.)

Tips: right click, you can perform more tasks, such as inserting emoji, checking spelling, etc. If you copy text from Word or other sources, make sure to 'Paste as plain text' after right-clicking, otherwise, lots of unnecessary formatting attributes will be imported.