Tournament Results

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Note: * Teams with fractional values in parenthesis are teams with ties. Ties were broken by highest counts of 1st places, then 2nd,..., 7th places. First team in the tie does not have tie breaking value.
School/TeamPlaceTotalAir TrajectoryAnatomyCant Judge a PowderCodebustersCrime BustersDisease DetectivesDynamic PlanetEcologyExperimental DesignFast FactsFlightForestryFossilsMeteorologyMicrobe MissionOpticsReach for the StarsRoad ScholarRoller CoasterTowerWheeled VehicleWind PowerWrite It Do It
Winston Churchill, Churchill MS-Gold13422311111212111121112321
Winston Churchill, Churchill MS-Purple27431233224431527253654133
Sutter, Sutter MS - Red310774722437548794462323257
Arden, Arden MS-A412553565382879365344836976
Sutter, Sutter MS - Silver51271584101063766483615479419
Winston Churchill, Churchill MS-White61288615457962310387762651062
Golden Hills School, Golden Hills School 713147671175815424210985416105
Sutter, Sutter MS - White81616104868453876795899975810
Gold Trail Elementary, Gold Trail 9163989976969105956837788744
Arden, Arden MS-B10243129101299101212910111012912101212121298
T. R. Smedberg, Smedberg MS112631211121281212121212128121212121212121281212
Total Teams: 11