Note: You must have an account to register or update school/teams. For returning Head Coaches, login, for new Head Coaches, create a new account.

Oklahoma Science Olympiad Invitational Tournament Registration 

Divisions B (grades 6-9) & C (grades 9-12)

Thank you for your interest in the 2022 Oklahoma Science Olympiad Invitational Tournament season.

In order to compete, the following requirements must be met:

1. Oklahoma teams: Register Online for membership in the Oklahoma Science Olympiad (go to Out of state teams can register for OKSciOly Invitational tournaments on this site.

2. Out-of-State teams pay the required registration fees (see below for fee schedule).  OKSciOly member teams can register for Invitationals with no additional fee.

3. Non OKSciOly teams complete the following required Registration Documents (OKSciOly member teams must complete these documents on

4. All participating teams complete the following for each Invitational:

5. In addition, Coaches should collect and maintain the following records each tournament: 

6. Supply one adult volunteer per registered team at any in-person Competition (Online Volunteer Signup will be posted once volunteer plan is finalized)

Number Students per team and number of teams per school

Each team has a maximum of 15 students that can compete in a given tournament. Other students can be members of the team and provide support, but cannot compete. There is no minimum number of students per team. Each school may have multiple paid teams.


Online team registration is required to facilitate the available online functions within scilympiad such as submission of student competitor names and self-scheduled event signups. We will use your registered contact information for communication purposes and to confirm your intention to participate in the 2022-2023 Oklahoma Science Olympiad (OKSciOly) Invitational season. Student competitor names are not required during the initial registration process, only school and Head Coach or designated Co-Head Coach profiles are required. Schools participating in an OKSciOly Invitational must either be paid members of the Oklahoma Science Olympiad or a current member of a State Science Olympiad. 

Membership Fee Schedule:

Teams are not officially registered and will not be allowed to participate in any tournament until membership fees (or out-of-state fees) are received and processed. All fees must be received no later than one week prior to the Invitational Tournament for which you are registering.

Membership cost for Oklahoma schools for the school year is the national membership fee of $60 plus $40 for the state fee for the first team from a school. The state fee is waived for subsequent teams from the same school. Fully-paid Oklahoma Science Olympiad member teams can participate in OKSciOly Invitational Tournament with no additional fee's charged.

Science Olympiad teams from outside of Oklahoma may participate in OKSciOly invitational tournaments upon sending proof of home state Science Olympiad membership to the OKSciOly state director along with a one-time fee of $40 per team for the invitational season. Out-of State Teams must register through this Invitational Tournament portal,

Payment Methods:

Checks or Purchase Orders ONLY

Make sure to complete School/Head Coach or designated Co-Head Coach Registration prior to adding teams.

Send all Purchase Orders and Checks to:

Science Olympiad

University of Central Oklahoma

Campus Box 177

100 N. University Drive

Edmond OK 73034

Attn: Kerry Polley

Purchase Orders will be invoiced for payment.