Note: You must have an account to register or update school/teams. For returning Head Coaches, login, for new Head Coaches, create a new account.

2024-2025 Maryland Science Olympiad Registration

Division A (grade 3-6), Division B (grades 6-9), Division C (grades 9-12)

Welcome to the registration portal for the 2024-2025 Maryland Science Olympiad (MSO) season!

Please note, all Regional and State events are scheduled to be in person for the 2024-25 season

Please stay up to date by checking out the Announcements tab on this website (

In order to compete, the following requirements must be met:

  1. Register Online (between starting September 9, 2024)
  2. Pay required membership fees (or submit evidence that a check is on its way such as an official Purchase Order Number (PO#)) 
  3. Prepare and/or supply volunteer(s) to run at least one event at Regional Competition (see below)
  4. Submit Required Competition Documents (beginning in February 2025)
    • Roster of Participating Students and photo/video release 
      • Must be signed by school principal or appropriate representative
    • Any other Tournament-specific required forms or waivers

Some details that will get you through the registration process:

How to Register

All Coaches and Co-Coaches (not competing students) must create accounts through this site. We strongly encourage all Coaches for each school to create accounts and link to the school/team in order to be included on communications during the season. Please note that MSO is not allowed to collect personal email information for students under the age of 18. If HS students are acting as co-coaches for a middle school or elementary school team, the adult coach should create a club Gmail account to act as the co-coach and register with that.

Use the links at the top of this page to add your team to Participating Schools list, update an existing School/Team registration, or pay your registration fees.  If you are just starting with registration, click the "Participating Schools" link and hit "Register School". You will be prompted to create an account on the site if you haven't already.

What this Registration Covers

This registration portal will cover the registration and costs for competition in MSO Div. B (middle school) and Div. C (high school) Regional and - if the school qualifies - State Tournament for the season.

Registering here also enables teams to sign up for Invitational (Practice) Tournaments inside and outside of Maryland (see for an incomplete list of Invitationals). Neither registration not registration fees for Invitationals are covered here. Teams must register with and pay the Invitational host directly.

Membership Fees

(Division B and C Teams)

First Team Fees: $375/season
Additional Team Fees: $265/season

Fees are due within 30 days of registration or by December 16, 2024, whichever is earlier. Evidence of payment in process and on its way by the deadline is acceptable. Failure to adhere to this deadline will result in a $100.00 late fee and/or removal from competition.

- Note: Div. B and Div. C fees have increased by $15/team in 2024-25, due to increased National fees

(Division A Teams)

Team Fees: $100

Fees are due TBA. Registration for Division A will go past the Div B/C deadline and will be somewhere in February/March 2024.

Limit on Number of Teams per School

At this point in time, each school may register up to three (3) teams for official Maryland Science Olympiad competition: a "Varsity" Team, and up to 2 "Junior Varsity (JV)" Teams. As Maryland Science Olympiad continues to grow and mature, the state may eventually support sufficient invitationals to allow schools to register more than three teams.

Registered schools by default have a Varsity (primary) Team, which is the ONLY team that influences overall school ranking and advancement. JV (secondary) Teams only compete at Regional Tournaments* and are eligible for medals and individual awards at MSO tournaments but do NOT influence overall school ranking. For clarity's sake during Regional competition, please name your teams with a short name for your school plus "A" for your first, varsity team, then "B" and "C" for additional junior varsity teams. (For example, RMHS A, RMHS B, RMHS C).

Only Varsity Teams will compete at the State Tournament if the team advances. Schools are NOT required to use the same rosters at each tournament; they will submit a new roster for each tournament, and students may be moved from JV to Varsity Team for the State Tournament, or new students may be included.

*Or Invitational tournaments, if eligible and the school chooses. Invitational Tournaments fall outside the scope of this registration.

Payment Methods – Paypal or Checks

Upon completion of the registration process, payment must be submitted online via PayPal ("Pay Now") or by check ("Pay by Check").

To pay online via PayPal:

  1. Click on the Pay membership fees button above.
  2. Select PayPal for immediate processing and follow prompts.

To pay by check:

  1. Click on the Pay membership fees button above.
  2. Select "Pay by Check" option on the Team Registration Payment page.

Make check payable to "Maryland Science Olympiad", note school name on memo line and mail to:

Maryland Science Olympiad
Attn: 2024-25 Registration Payment
9106 John Simmons Street
Frederick, MD 21704

All payments, regardless of method, are due at the stated deadline above.

Volunteer Participation in Regional Tournament

Each of our tournaments requires dozens of volunteers in order to provide a high quality, positive experience for our students. We have removed many of our team supervising requirements, however we still need the same number of people in order to run each tournament. We ask that you PLEASE consider volunteering at a tournament, and reach out to your team and school community to ask for support. Volunteers at all levels (experienced or not) are needed!

Volunteering at a tournament is a great way for coaches AND competitors to learn about Science Olympiad**.
Volunteering to run events often helps coaches and team leaders network within the community (both fellow coaches and content experts), see how tournaments are run, and deepen their experience with SO by doing so.

Please complete this Google interest form (2024-25 MSO Tournament Volunteer form) to indicate which tournament(s) and events you are interested in helping with. The Tournament Director will follow-up closer to tournament time to confirm volunteer assignments.

**Volunteers must be 16 or older; volunteers under 18 must have parental consent to volunteer and must be under adult supervision at all times.

Rules Manuals

Digital manuals are provided free of cost by the National Science Olympiad beginning in early September. Go to to download a copy***. Physical copies of manuals will NOT be provided by MSO.

***Rules manuals for Division B and C are free, however they are copyright of Science Olympiad and may NOT be publicly posted or otherwise disseminated. Anyone desiring a copy of the rules should go to the site, complete the info form, and download directly from SO.

***Rules manual for Division A can be purchased for a one time fee from the SOINC store.   There is a paper option ($20) and a digital option ($15).  Rules are not distributed for Division A in another manner. 

Image from