Thank you for contacting Akron Regional Science Olympiad. Our goal is to respond to your questions/concerns within 24 hours of receipt.
Please email us with your questions/concerns via the contact information below:
Karen Plaster
Email: ArSciOly@uakron.eduPhone: 330.972.6906Mobile: UPDATE TO KAREN'S MOBILEThe University of Akron
Karen Plaster-Zook Hall
302 Buchtel Common
Akron, OH 44325-0301
***Event Day (on campus events) emergency contacts:
Headquarters Contact
John Fellenstein - - 216-536-7581
Laurel Lohrey - 330-552-8033 - PLEASE TEXT
Registrar & Score Master: ARSciOly@uakron.eduUNIVERSITY POLICE/FIRE/RESCUE
330-972-2911 from a cell phone.
(911 on a cell phone gets Akron City dispatch,
330-972-2911 gets University of Akron dispatch, which is often faster.
They know where the buildings are. )
YOUR location BUILDING AND ROOM is listed on the sticker on your supervisor/coach envelope.
You can also click for Tournament Director POC.
Thank you for contacting Scilympiad. Our goal is to respond to your questions/concerns within 24 hours of receipt. For technical questions related to the website, please contact:
Scilympiad Team
9921 Carmel Mountain Rd. #390
San Diego, CA 92129