Science Olympiad

Science Olympiad is nationwide competition. Students compete in 23 events that include earth science, biology, chemistry, physics, and engineering. Science Olympiad is designed to increase a student’s interest in STEM fields and provide recognition for outstanding achievement in team events. Students compete in Science Olympiad with the top teams advancing from Regional to State to National levels.

The Rustin Invitational will host all 23 National Events. This is a Virtual Tournament.  Because of this tournament being held in a virtual format if any of these events cannot be held fairly for all they will be run as a Trial Event.  The events will be open starting December 11th (Wednesday) and running until the end of December 14th (Saturday) to allow teams the maximum flexibility in when/how they test while also leaving them he availability to participate in other competitions if they see fit.  We will also run two Tracks of teams with AAA teams being the most competitive teams and AA teams being those teams in the process of building.  Schools will be required to have all of their teams in the same Track.

Upcoming Dates

Registration opens Wednesday, September 18th at 3PM (EDT)



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