Tournament Results

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Note: * Teams with fractional values in parenthesis are teams with ties. Ties were broken by highest counts of 1st places, then 2nd,..., 7th places. First team in the tie does not have tie breaking value.
Team #StateSchool/TeamPlaceTotalAnatomy & Physiology Circuit LabCrime BustersDensity LabDisease DetectivesDynamic PlanetExperimental DesignFood ScienceFossilsHeredityMachinesMeteorologyOrnithologyReach for the StarsRoad ScholarWater QualityWrite It, CAD It (CADer)Write It, CAD It (Writer)Penalty
B02MOCentral High School, Central Pugs Red1472324371141471241110
B09MOImmaculate Conception School, IC Green27481521034312492578410
B14MOSt Agnes School, St. Agnes Silver3807246842835329101629290
B15MOSt. Elizabeth Ann Seton School, SEAS4915103361035599163942910
B17MOThe Summit Preparatory School, The Summit Prep595341257259269510122229290
B08MOImmaculate Conception School, IC Blue61081461010115776411131392910
B04MOGreenwood Lab school, Blue Team7119957896847768811610310
B10MOOzark Junior High, OJH SO813942961281029886677532910
B13MOPipkin Middle School, Pipkin Pirates917913111491291211912121011131011510
B11MOOzark Middle School, Baby Belugas101911188729129291210635629729290
B01MOCentral High School, Central Pugs Black112091291291162293294298829210
B07MOHickory Hills Middle, HHM 12265107112941111629111129299292929290
B03MOCherokee Middle School, Cherokee Silver133046929295292910292929294429529290
B05MOGreenwood Lab school, White Team 114388152913292929292910292292929292929290
B06MOGreenwood Lab school, White Team 215409122992929292929112929292929292929290
Teams: 15