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We're a non-profit that relies on support from organizations like yours. With your sponsorship, Scilympiad can continue to thrive for years. Please help keep Scilympiad a free platform for all tournaments to promote science education where students can study and compete.

Scilympiad is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in the United States, and all gifts to us are tax deductible in the United States to the fullest extent allowed by law. Our Tax ID number is 86-2531691.

San Diego Regional on the news

KUSI-SD (live coverage), February 8, 2020, 8:29 a.m.

Science Olympiad Bottle Rocket

Science Olympiad Mousetrap Vehicle

Annually, we serve:

  • Over 60,000 k-12 STEM-focused students
  • Over 4,000 K-12 schools across the U.S.
  • Over 5,000 online tests created annually
  • Over 6,000 competing teams
  • Over 350 Science Olympiad Tournaments
  • Used in all U.S. states
  • Over 4,000 professional, alumni and college student volunteers
  • Over 1,000 tournament organizers
  • And thousands of parents of participating students

kudos on any updates/all of the work you have done! We had around 280 teams on December 4th at the Boyceville Invite and all went without a hitch! Absolutely stunning that Scilympiad could not only handle all of our teams but also the other tournaments that day! WOW!!! Thank you for ALL of your hard work...without you and Scilympad I fear Science Olympiad may have died during the pandemic...thank you sooooo much!
On another note, I am sure at the very least the web hosting costs money, not even looking at all of your time, etc. Do you accept donations and, if so, what is the best way to send it to you? I have been involved with Science Olympiad since 1994 as a student, then an event supervisor, now a coach and national event supervisor (since 2011). Science Olympiad has personally changed the lives of hundreds of my students (Boyceville is a very small, rural public high school, graduating classes around 50 students) and we have had SO alum go to Stanford, MIT, Harvard, and many other schools...ideas that would have never been considered pre-SO in Boyceville (I have been here 15 years now). I am as big of a supporter of the program as probably exists in the country and I can't thank you enough for your hard work to make this all possible to extend SO to more students, more schools, and more people. I am happy to do anything to help and am very interested in making a donation if it is at all possible. Thank you.
Andrew Hamm, Boyceville Science Olympiad, WI

Our tournament on Saturday pretty well exceeded my fondest expectations for never having run a tournament on Scilympiad before. Thanks for all of your hard work and dedication to giving our kids a fun distraction from the Covid world around them.
Gordy, Delaware State Science Olympiad

I hope you were surprised and delighted to be named Science Olympiad's 2021 National Volunteer of the Year! You, along with your amazing partner Zoom, have made such a difference in the program this year. You embody the volunteer spirit that my parents envisioned when they began the program back in 1984!!
Jenny, CEO, National Executive Board Member, Science Olympiad

I don’t know how much feedback you receive regarding Scilympiad, but it such a great program to use. I so appreciate your setting up our two regionals to use it.
Tonda Boothby, Michigan Regional