Tournament Results

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Note: * Teams with fractional values in parenthesis are teams with ties. Ties were broken by highest counts of 1st places, then 2nd,..., 7th places. First team in the tie does not have tie breaking value.
School/TeamPlaceTotalAir TrajectoryAnatomyCant Judge a PowderCodebustersCrime BustersDisease DetectivesDynamic PlanetEcologyExperimental DesignFast FactsFlightForestryFossilsMeteorologyMicrobe MissionOpticsReach for the StarsRoad ScholarRoller CoasterTowerWheeled VehicleWind PowerWrite It Do It
Springhouse, Springhouse B16111112211337134181214526
Springhouse, Springhouse A265335231221432114125322211
Mountain View, MVMS Team 1315128286441121112123379165161513
Eagle View, EV X41596410351463517644101722998375
North Pocono, Red516851534225594557152511317741212
Harlan Rowe, Harlan Rowe - Black (+0.01)*61682224571571566232715337362242
Eagle View, EV Y7204912611439471812571221511111198315
Harlan Rowe, Harlan Rowe - Silver82068587112101691981098124452231916
Clarksville, CMS A9248101311912111151172114136713121512121058
Winchester Thurston, WT purple1024911101961763710222661810117228172263
Mountain View, MVMS Team 21125749141618101281320413101613561810514811
Clarksville, CMS B122762261617109136171422155918910641312149
Clinton, CMS1328772012121578128101318856161810221822137
North Pocono, White1432122177198131720161610918112214148610111617
G.A. Stetson, Stetson SO1533913111313981819121211161714191017141322221719
Pocono Mountain East Jr. High School, PM East Junior High Black1634612141510111915141421981115221716192215221114
Clarion Area Jr Sr High School, CAJSHS SO1737422219142218141315112219201392215132216131021
Winchester Thurston, WT yellow183922271820141716102282220141781920122222222218
Pocono Mountain East Jr. High School, PM East Junior High Red19395221922221322221819152221162216682222119224
Pocono Mountain West Junior High School, PMWJHS SO20411221817181920191718922171919111821172214222210
Park Forest, PFMS SO2141222162215161622222213221122221422194221972220
Total Teams: 21