Tournament Results

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Note: * Teams with fractional values in parenthesis are teams with ties. Ties were broken by highest counts of 1st places, then 2nd,..., 7th places. First team in the tie does not have tie breaking value.
School/TeamPlaceTotalAir TrajectoryAnatomyAstronomyChem LabCodebustersDetector BuildingDisease DetectivesDynamic PlanetEcologyExperimental DesignFermiFlightForensicsForestryFossilsGeologic MappingMicrobe MissionOpticsRobot TourScramblerTowerWind Power *Write It Do It
Northview High School, Team Gold14442111123612214123212131
Sylvania Southview High School, Team 129712121142122717892111115522
Northview High School, Team Black31303494255443134111315467102411
Shawnee High School, Team Red41332731054313111012155782583415
Springfield High School, Team Blue51657558681068614838971010512753
Oak Harbor Senior High School, Oak Harbor617611311671091239954138109112631015
Anthony Wayne High School, Anthony Wayne717991145967195396111516571081588
Ottawa Hills High School, Team Green8196687210913105410321641164132117126
Lincolnview High School, Lincolnview92291016617153178721561415538897111418
Shawnee High School, Team Black10240815149111161515154152136121218341479
St. Francis de Sales, St. Francis de Sales1124113610313745161115112114141473201191114
Paulding High School, Paulding1225417981216211211142612221061517122113916
Sylvania Southview High School, Team 2132761121211482187121371372112417154216613
Arlington High School, Arlington14281514151312211514101611141512111814166981312
Tinora High School, Tinora15302151017161421212113171721101013913921110213
Maumee Valley Country Day School, Maumee Valley Country Day163042131271721141618821137161716132121212110
Springfield High School, Team White173111621131532111917141610211617131114211312217
St. Ursula Academy, St. Ursula Academy18407142121212121162121122121122121521212121162117
Roy C Start High School, Roy C Start194322117162121212121182120202117212121122121182121
Ottawa Hills High School, Team White20441211221212121212121212121921212121212121212121
Total Teams: 20