Middle and High School...
Science Olympiad for Divisions B and C is nationwide competition. Students compete in 23 events that include earth science, biology, chemistry, physics, and engineering. Science Olympiad is designed to increase a student’s interest in STEM fields and provide recognition for outstanding achievement in team events. Students compete in Science Olympiad with the top teams advancing from Regional to State to National levels.
Elementary School...
Science Olympiad for Division A (elementary) is more local in these early stages as not every state hosts these competitions. Here in Maryland, this is our fourth year running this program and we have seen it grow greatly each year. We are looking for this to be our biggest year yet.
The first official step happens here in Scilympiad by clicking the "Register your school" link below.
The second step is to complete an additional google form (here) to give us information about your team and make some choices about leagues for our tournament.
As we get closer to March, we will ask for information about teams/team members to be submitted here in Scilympiad - we know no one is ready with that information just yet.
Our competition date is Saturday April 26, 2025.
Third Step? Where do I get the rules?
Rules for events for our 2024-2025 season come from the rule book you can purchase (one time purchase per school) at the soinc.org website.
If you have purchased these rules before, do not purchace them again.
Make sure you get either the Competitive Tournament Manual (Paper) or Competitive Tournament Rules (Digital Download). We are also going to supplement our list of events this year with a two other events and those rules will be provided at no cost. A link to the event roster, and tentative times for the competition, are linked below.
Please reach out with any questions you might have @ mso.divisionA@gmail.com