Welcome to the 1st annual Paul Laurence Dunbar Invitational!

April 6 - 14, 2024

Welcome to the Paul Laurence Dunbar High School Invitational, open to Division B and C teams across the country! Our invitational will take place April 6 - 14, 2024. We will run all 23 events in the Satellite SO format and a few trial events! Study events will fully count towards the team score, events with wet-lab will be run as dry-lab, and hybrid events with a build will get extra points for a functioning build. Full build events will be run as trial events as to not discourage students without a testing location. Registration is $45/team and free for Title I schools.

Upcoming Dates

Tournament Date: April 6 - 14, 2024


Event Slate & Event Modifications Coming Soon! 

Students can now take tests online.

Student Dashboard


Generic home page... let me know if there is any way I can improve it!