Science Olympiad

Science Olympiad is nationwide competition where students compete in topics including earth science, biology, chemistry, physics, and engineering. Science Olympiad is designed to increase a student’s interest in STEM fields and provide recognition for outstanding achievement in team events. We're excited to host the Bay Area Elementary Regional Science Olympiad Tournament for 2024. Below is the information for this current academic year's competition.

Bay Area Elementary Tournament 


Results are at this link.

Communique 7 (Mar 18 2024)

Thank you for attending the 2024 Bay Area Elementary Regional Science Olympiad Tournament! Final results have been posted at this link.

A Certificate of Appreciation (for the coaches) and Certificate of Excellence (for the student competitors) have been sent to the coaches. Head coaches can choose to print and present these to the team to recognize a job well done.

We have a photo album from the day; if you would like to view and/or add to this album as a way to remember a fun day of science, the link is here. Finally, could you please take a few minutes to take this survey? Please send this to your teams; we would love to have feedback from as many as possible so that we can continue to improve our tournament in the future.

Thanks again, and we look forward to seeing everyone next year!

Communique 6 (Mar 15 2024)

Below are some last minute reminders/instructions:

Communique 5 (Mar 8 2024)

As we prepare for next weekend’s tournament, we ask that you fill out the team roster using this google form along with the contact info for you on tournament day.  

Looking forward to seeing everyone next weekend!

Communique 4 (Feb 29 2024)

Scilympiad Accounts: Parents need to make accounts in Scilympiad in order to sign the waiver forms. Head coaches, please remind your team parents to sign these; they are required for competition. However, students do not need to create an account on Scilympiad because the tournament is an in-person tournament that will take place on Sat, Mar 16 at Canyon Middle School.

Naked Egg Drop announcements:

- Online signup opened yesterday, and most of the teams have already signed up for a time slot for this event. If your team hasn't signed up yet, head coaches should sign up at this link.

- Impound: Please note that Naked Egg Drop requires Impound. On the morning of competition, the students participating in this event need to drop off their device in the gym and leave it there. Impound allows for fairness teams competing later will not have more time to work on their device than those competing earlier in the day. Impound will open at 7:30 am in the gym.

Morning of Competition: We ask that the head coaches check in with us at H-1 (Headquarters) between 7:30 am and 8:00 am. Please note that because the release forms and roster are collected prior to the tournament, coaches do not need to bring anything to check in.

Communique 3 (Feb 26 2024)

Schedule and Map: An updated schedule and map have been posted here. The preliminary room assignments for the events are now included and the 5th block end time has been corrected from 12:15 to 12:25.

Team Numbers: Team numbers have been assigned.

Rules Clarifications: Many of you have submitted really great questions regarding the event rules. We have been documenting these and you can see all of them here.

Official Team Members Roster Requirement: Our current practice at the Bay Area Regional Science Olympiad is for the head coach of the team to bring and submit a final official roster of participating students (up to 6 members on the team) on the day of the tournament during the morning check-in time. If there is a change in the composition of the team, this is simply recorded on the roster that you bring on the day of the event.

Wristbands will be provided for your team members. You will receive up to six (6) wristbands, depending on the size of your team, when you check-in. Please be aware that there is no maximum or minimum number of events that a given student must compete in. We are aware that teams may employ an organizational system that includes maximum or minimum numbers in order to manage the team and schedule, but that is not a requirement of the Bay Area Regional Science Olympiad program.

[Urgent] Online Sign Up for Self-Scheduling Naked Egg Drop: We will be using Scilympiad to let head coaches sign up for the Naked Egg Drop event. To access this, log into the head coach dashboard, then click on “Self-scheduled Event Signup”. From there, select the time slot that your team wants to compete in Naked Egg Drop. Or click this link.  Please note that self-schedule will open Wed, Feb 28, 4:30 PM and will close on Wed, March 13, 4:30 PM

Release Forms: This year, the release form is available digitally on Scilympiad. The release should be signed by the parents/legal guardians of the students but not the students themselves.  The head coach should go to the Head Coach Dashboard, click on “Release Forms,” then copy the red link above the green button (NOT the browser URL) and share that link with the parents/guardians of each participant along with the Parent Instructions below.

    Please note that each school has a different link. Parents/legal guardians should create an account to sign this form (they should not be using their student’s account to sign this, if the student has an account).

To see the list of participants from your teams with completed releases, go to the Head Coach Dashboard, click on “Verifications/Checklist,” and click on “Releases.” If the parents/legal guardians spell their student’s name the same way you      did, the system will automatically put a checkmark for “Release Submitted” on the student pool page. However, if they are different (e.g. Bob vs Bobby), you can still manually check the box under “Release Submitted” on the student page.

Parent Instructions: Click on the link provided by the coach. Check the upper right of the web page to see if it says your child’s name. If it says your child’s name, click on their name and click log out. Once logged out, click on the link  provided by the coach again. Follow the prompt on the web page to either log in if you have an account already or register as a new member with the role of “Other”. If you need to register as a new member follow the instructions on the website page.

Science Olympiad Code of Ethics & General Rules: Please review with your students and parents the Science Olympiad Code of Ethics & General Rules.

Awards Ceremony: Awards Ceremony is expected to take place in the Gym at 2:45 PM and should last approximately an hour.

Parking: When you arrive on campus on Saturday, please park in the open lot.

Emergencies: On tournament day, for emergencies, please call 911. For less urgent matters, head coaches may ask for help in Tournament Headquarters in room H-1.

Communique 2 (Jan 2024)

The 2023-2024 Bay Area Elementary Science Olympiad Tournament will take place at Canyon Middle School (19600 Cull Canyon Rd, Castro Valley) on Saturday, March 16th, 2024. The preliminary schedule and the list of events can be found in the document section. Rules will be available to registered head coaches starting Jan 1 on Scilympiad.

The 2023-2024 Bay Area Elementary Events are:
  • Bones: students will take a written test on the skeletal system
  • Crime Busters: Students use forensic principles to identify a crime suspect
  • Earthquake!: students will take a written test on earthquakes and plate tectonics
  • Mars: students will take a written test on the subject of Mars
  • Mystery Architecture: Students build a structure with an unknown set of materials
  • Naked Egg Drop: Students build a device to prevent a dropped egg from breaking
  • Teamwork: The whole team participates in a team science activity
Interested Parents and Teachers are encouraged to begin forming teams now. Guidelines for forming teams are as follows:
  • Teams should be made up of up to 6 students from the same school.
  • Events are aimed at the 4th- and 5th- grade levels, but for elementary schools with 6th graders, up to two 6th graders on a team are allowed. Students may compete as part of a Division A (elementary school) or a Division B (middle school) team, but not both in the same school year.
  • Homeschool students can participate in one of two methods:
    • Participation through a Local Public School: homeschooled students may choose to participate as a member of the Elementary Science Olympiad team at the local public school they would attend were they not homeschooled.
    • Participation through a Homeschool Team: a Homeschool Team may be created, consisting of homeschooled students who live within the boundaries of two contiguous, side-by-side, geographic counties in a single state.
  • There is no lower age limit for participants, but coaches should recognize that younger participants may be at a competitive disadvantage due to their age.

Communique 1 (Dec 2023)

For the 2023-2024 academic year, the Bay Area Elementary Science Olympiad Tournament will take place Saturday, March 16th, 2024. This will be an in-person tournament! Registration opens January 1, 2024. We will be posting the rules for this year's events in the coming week along with more information for the tournament. Like last year, each team can have up to 6 students but each school can bring multiple teams. Registration will remain at $120 per team and can be paid via credit card or via checks.