Tournament Results

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Note: * Teams with fractional values in parenthesis are teams with ties. Ties were broken by highest counts of 1st places, then 2nd,..., 7th places. First team in the tie does not have tie breaking value.
Team #StateSchool/TeamPlaceTotalAnatomy & PhysiologyAstronomyChem LabCircuit LabCodebustersDesigner GenesDetector BuildingDisease Detectives Dynamic Planet Experimental DesignForensicsFossilsGeoLogic MappingMachinesOrnithologyProtein ModelingSounds of MusicWater QualityWrite it Do it-DOERWrite It Do It-WRITERPenalty
C05ILCrystal Lake Central High School, CLC Orange1461313242221232814320
C09ILNaperville Central High School, NCHS-WHITE2634521336933173232240
C08ILNaperville Central High School, NCHS-RED31013665877886425548450
C16CAWest High School, WHSSO Anemones411654376887681084987530
C06ILEvanston Township High School, ETHS Blue5136137545111064108676631690
C12ILRockford Christian High school, RCHS SO6140897611691191175610251080
C14ILVernon Hills High School, VHHS Blue71447241613515551141645169160
C10ILNiles West, NW RED8164616816424161166161311166160
C15ILVernon Hills High School, VHHS Silver917421162116516161616116116161610
C01ILBeacon Academy, BA SO Gray10187121691616116116431116167116100
C04ILCrystal Lake Central High School, CLC Black11206148161671631016161616167166160
C07ILEvanston Township High School, ETHS Orange122061116121612101647299161610168160
C02ILBeacon Academy, BA SO Green13207101010169916316751616161697160
C13ILRockford Christian High school, team Royal Lions 14224916118101616121091610161616101670
C11ILNiles West, NW White15281161616161616161616161616161691616160
Teams: 15