Food science test issues

When me and my partner were taking the food science test, the answers did not save. Also, there was no submit button to message the proctor about the issues. Then, when I went back and edited the answers, it would show up as saved on my screen, but not on my partner's. We were doing really well, and if the test did not save, we will have lost all of our work. I have written to my head coach, and she said she would talk to the test administrators. However, we are really unsure of what to do next. 

Responses: 1

Responded by Anonymous 10/24/20

Typically when you answer a question, the answer is saved individually. Your partner may not see your answer if the chatbox is not working. Make sure your computer has javascript enabled.

Your Response (Anyone with an answer, workaround, suggestion is welcome to respond below.)

Tips: right click, you can perform more tasks, such as inserting emoji, checking spelling, etc. If you copy text from Word or other sources, make sure to 'Paste as plain text' after right-clicking, otherwise, lots of unnecessary formatting attributes will be imported.