STEMBoost Science Olympiad Invitational Registration
Divisions B (grades 6-9)
Thank you for your interest in the 2025 STEMBoost Science Olympiad Invitational. In order to compete at the tournament, the following requirements must be met:
- Register Online (see below for details).
- Pay required registration fees - $85 per team (see below for fee schedule)
Limit on number of teams per school: 10
Registration is now open
Online registration is required, especially due to the available online functions such as submission of team names. Once registered, Head Coaches or designated Co-Head Coaches may add additional team members to assist with team management.
Registration Fees: $85 per team (Title 1 school is free)
$85 per team, payable to: STEMBoost.
Please mail registration to: Michael Smith, PO BOX 1422, Cupertino, CA 95015. If you prefer to use PayPal or Zelle, please contact us at