RFE: Allow images to be used in answers.

I tried to use images in answers but got an error, something about the maximum length an answer can be is 300 characters.

Responses: 1

Responded by Thuan Duong 09/25/20

Currently the system doesn't allow images in answers, and each answer is limited to 1,000 characters. This is a new feature and we need to see how students feel due to limited real estate on their tests and bandwidth allows. We may expand it after BEARSO.

Your Response (Anyone with an answer, workaround, suggestion is welcome to respond below.)

Tips: right click, you can perform more tasks, such as inserting emoji, checking spelling, etc. If you copy text from Word or other sources, make sure to 'Paste as plain text' after right-clicking, otherwise, lots of unnecessary formatting attributes will be imported.