How do I find my team number?
I am a new coach and I am trying to assign my members to our team except it says I can not assign students to teams without a team number. Where can I find it?
Responses: 3
Responded by Martha Moore 10/01/22
Team numbers are assigned by tournament directors after teams have had a chance to register. Check back later.
Responded by Jennifer Wackerla 12/05/22
I have been registered for a while and haven't received my team number. If I missed an email, could you please resend it?
Thank you,
Jennifer Wackerla
LTMS Science Olympiad Head Coach
(Lexington Trails Middle School, USD 232)
Responded by ReinaES/Dir Gomez 01/17/24
Once you have been assigned a Team Number by the tournament officials, you may find your team number in your HC Dashboard.
HC Dashboard >> Compliance >> Student/Team/Event Assignment >> Event Schedules
printing out the Principal Certification (it autofills)
HC Dashboard >> Compliance >> Student/Team/Event Assignment >> Principal Certification