Tournament Results

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Note: * Teams with fractional values in parenthesis are teams with ties. Ties were broken by highest counts of 1st places, then 2nd,..., 7th places. First team in the tie does not have tie breaking value.
School/TeamPlaceTotalAir TrajectoryAnatomyAstronomyChem LabCodebustersDetector BuildingDisease DetectivesDynamic PlanetEcologyExperimental DesignFermiFlightForensicsForestryFossilsGeologic MappingMicrobe MissionOpticsRobot TourScramblerTowerWind PowerWrite It Do It
Casady School, Casady Grey13731111113141113121311212
Jenks High School, Jenks Alpha Squad277134423325322423527410123
Norman North High School, NNHS Black31025625522722443123851110535
Dove Science Academy HS OKC, DSH HS OKC412724661011744663645842311744
Putnam City North, PCN SO513511733511417151127417111114117
Putnam City High School, PCHigh61404582311511353117666561123116
Taloga High School, Taloga High716212997548687811888794210651
Weatherford High School, WHS8179112711411656117115574311111111118
Dove Science Academy - Tulsa-High School, DSA - Tulsa-HS923511851111111111111111111111996111111111111
DOVE Virtual Academy, DVA HS102511111101111111111111111111111101111111111111111
Mercy School Institute, Mercy School112531111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
Total Teams: 11