Tournament Results

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Note: * Teams with fractional values in parenthesis are teams with ties. Ties were broken by highest counts of 1st places, then 2nd,..., 7th places. First team in the tie does not have tie breaking value.
Team #StateSchool/TeamPlaceTotalAnatomy & Physiology BoomileverCircuit LabCrime BustersDensity LabDisease DetectivesDynamic PlanetElastic Launched GlidersExperimental DesignFood ScienceFossilsGame OnHeredityMachinesMeteorologyMission Possible*Mousetrap VehicleOrnithologyPing-Pong ParachuteReach for the StarsRoad ScholarWater QualityWrite It CAD It-CADerWrite It CAD It-WriterWrite It Do It-Doer*Write It Do It-WriterPenalty
B02OKCasady School, Casady128271111272221111772721277370
B07OKOakdale Middle School, Oakdale Team 1232172222371312222771712177270
B04OKDove Science Academy Middle School Oklahoma City, Dove Rockets364473737177133333773753477170
B03OKDove School of Discovery, DSD4115777773777747777777737777770
B05OKDove Science Academy-Tulsa, DSA TEAM4115377777777477777777777377770
B08OKWestern Oaks Middle School, WOMS 16121577777777777777777747777770
B01OKCapps Middle School, Capps Middle School7126777777777777777777777777770
B06OKMayfield Middle School, MMS SO7126777777777777777777777777770
Teams: 8