Tournament Results

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Note: * Teams with fractional values in parenthesis are teams with ties. Ties were broken by highest counts of 1st places, then 2nd,..., 7th places. First team in the tie does not have tie breaking value.
Team #StateSchool/TeamPlaceTotalAnatomy & PhysiologyAstronomyChem LabCircuit LabCodebustersDesigner GenesDetector BuildingDisease Detectives Dynamic Planet Experimental DesignForensicsFossilsGeoLogic MappingMachinesOrnithologyProtein ModelingSounds of MusicWater QualityWrite It, CAD It (CADer)Write It, CAD It (Writer)Penalty
C02MOCentral High School, Central Bulldogs Red1463323115313151011111110
C03MOGreenwood Lab school, GLS Blue Jays2732135638421042252725510
C11MOSpringfield Catholic High School, SCHS GREEN3886281276154211374210717170
C10MOParkview High School, Parkview Green499110196599956354366217170
C04MOKickapoo High School, Kickapoo Gold5101859762156936710743317170
C06MOOzark High School, Ozark High School White6119711610586246108929394310
C07MOOzark High School, Ozark High School Red71249672317268181131117517410
C08MOOzark Jr. High, Ozark Tigers8126117114442101075108755791710
C05MOMonett High School, MHS91331094810847727961168116210
C12MOSpringfield Catholic High School, SCHS NAVY10163481011661083179741710178817170
C01MOCentral High School, Central Bulldogs Black112275417617171717178174175817171717170
C09MOParkview High School, Parkview Gold1227317175171717171717171717179171741717170
Teams: 12