Tournament Results

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Note: * Teams with fractional values in parenthesis are teams with ties. Ties were broken by highest counts of 1st places, then 2nd,..., 7th places. First team in the tie does not have tie breaking value.
Team #StateSchool/TeamPlaceTotalAnatomy & PhysiologyAstronomyChem LabCircuit LabCodebustersDesigner GenesDetector BuildingDigital StructuresDisease Detectives Dynamic Planet Experimental DesignForensicsFossilsGeoLogic Mapping*Gravity VehicleHelicoptersMachinesOrnithologyProtein ModelingSounds of MusicWater QualityWrite It CAD It-CADerWrite It CAD It-WriterPenalty
C16MITroy Athens High School, Troy Athens High School Red17243315193641215235225230
C17MITroy High School (MI), Troy SO Black (P)282221234121221319281713150
C13MINovi High School, Novi High School Green (P) R63137311292321148167581117334890
C05MIDetroit Country Day School, DCDS Blue4149161531855813105102112211487120
C11MIInternational Academy West, IAW Blue (P) (R6)51778588611116712315411410719104170
C09MIInternational Academy - Central, R6 - P - IA-C (Blue)6193141412157101244114127163442861320
C03MICranbrook Kingswood Upper School, Cranbrook Blue Team (P)7193986108532810515423673121426270
C30MITroy High School (MI), THS SO Red (A)8226661149748397313142828628561470
C10MIInternational Academy East, IA East924611710517186916651396728181413710110
C02MIBloomfield Hills High School, BHHS (P) R6102791167192022127187121014913820617115160
C25MIInternational Academy - Central, R6 - A - IA-C (White)11285181019131515107516811177122812571521140
C23MIDetroit Country Day School, DCDS Gold123131044204131927214211662028281516111213100
C12MINorth Farmington High School, NFHS SO13330179207111216279211862212828191020221510
C06MIFarmington High School, FHS14336524171619615282336178428289158920280
C22MICranbrook Kingswood Upper School, Cranbrook Green Team (A)1533912181617182114281210199211359119161716280
C14MIRochester High School, P-Rochester High School163437129281216728192017231617285101815131940
C29MITroy Athens High School, Troy Athens High School Gold173462113236109202815239181221286141718181160
C27MIInternational Academy West, IAW White (A) (R6)183942322181214191728211713141115282821422162380
C28MINovi High School, Novi High School White (A) R6194061319151128142828112811819182828162112289130
C08MIHartland High School, Hartland204102617141821178281318282020102828138102018270
C01MIBirmingham Groves High School, BGHS SO21499221524282720282822152828151928282220281412280
C24MIDetroit Country Day School, DCDS Yellow22511202128222828182824222322232228282319211917270
C26MIInternational Academy East, IA East - Blue Team2351328252228162313282819202818282828828192822280
C04MIDetroit Catholic Central High School R6, CC24541192013141328282828281428282828282828282828280
C07MIGoodrich High School, Good SO (P R5)25548252825212828282820282821282810282813282128280
C21MIBloomfield Hills High School, BHHS (A) R626563242828282822282817242219282828282828282828150
C15MISouth Lyon High School, SLHS2756415232128282828282812828282828282828282828280
Teams: 27