Tournament Events - Lake Braddock Invitational, Division B - Time are based on tournament time zone (EDT).

National Science Olympiad Event Table

Event NameTest StartsTest EndsTest Time Limit (minutes)Allow AlternatesRecord Time Out of Browser
1Anatomy and Physiology not set not set 50 No Yes
2Bio Process Lab not set not set 50 No Yes
3Bridge not set not set 50 No Yes
4Cant Judge a Powder not set not set 50 No Yes
5Codebusters not set not set 50 No Yes
6Crave the Wave not set not set 50 No Yes
7Crime Busters not set not set 50 No Yes
8Disease Detectives not set not set 50 No Yes
9Dynamic Planet not set not set 50 No Yes
10Experimental Design not set not set 50 No Yes
11Fast Facts not set not set 50 No Yes
12Flight not set not set 50 No Yes
13Forestry not set not set 50 No Yes
14Green Generation not set not set 50 No Yes
15Meteorology not set not set 50 No Yes
16Road Scholar not set not set 50 No Yes
17Rocks and Minerals not set not set 50 No Yes
18Roller Coaster not set not set 50 No Yes
19Solar System not set not set 50 No Yes
20Sounds of Music not set not set 50 No Yes
21Storm the Castle not set not set 50 No Yes
22Wheeled Vehicle not set not set 50 No Yes
23Write It Do It not set not set 50 No Yes
Record Time Out of Browser - participants must stay within the test page. Time will be recorded every time participants go outside of the test browser.