Coaching Requirements 

Volunteer as a Coach

Thank you for your interest in coaching our Science Olympians! Our coaching team consists of parent volunteers and high school students. There is no special education required. 

Coaching Requirements (General):

All high school student coaches should have a level 2 cleared adult in their classroom at all times.    

Coaching requirements (Adults):

In addition to the above requirements the following are required

Supplies/ Reimbursement:

Most supplies are already available such as lab coats, goggles, magnifying glass. For budgeting purposes, please discuss with Head Coach and/or our treasurer prior to making a purchase. 

For reimbursement, please have your online orders sent to Del Norte high school.  Orders can be picked up at the financial office by the student after showing the online order receipt.  Submit the Request for Reimbursement Form and receipts (please retain copies for your records) to Johnson Li  (our treasurer) or email SO Team at