Import Tests

I am an event supervisor and at the bottom of the test creation environment I see that I can import different types of files.  Is there a guide on how I can use this import feature to import a previously written test?

Responses: 1

Responded by Thuan Duong 10/18/20

You cannot import tests. They do not have the same formats. You can copy/paste each question from your previous tests. Make sure to paste as 'Clear text'. Right-click in the editor, select 'Paste as clear text'. You can upload supporting documents but not tests.

Your Response (Anyone with an answer, workaround, suggestion is welcome to respond below.)

Tips: right click, you can perform more tasks, such as inserting emoji, checking spelling, etc. If you copy text from Word or other sources, make sure to 'Paste as plain text' after right-clicking, otherwise, lots of unnecessary formatting attributes will be imported.